9 Common Mistakes When Working Out

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Is your exercise program not producing the results you expected? Maybe you are making some common fitness mistakes that could hinder your progress.

Mistake #1: Occasional workouts Are you a weekend warrior? Most people only go to the gym once or twice a week and work hard that day to make up for the lack of a full week. Is this the right thing to do?

Mistake #2: Neglected warm-ups... Most gym-goers make a common mistake. To the gym only to find that they have been late, what is better than skipping the warm-up directly to do the official exercise?

Mistake #3: Ending the workout directly afterward When the timer on the treadmill rings, most people go to the shower instead of waiting for their heartbeat to return to normal. Without proper cooling, you will make yourself more vulnerable to injury.

Mistake 4: Not supplementing enough water Exercise when supplementing is the amount of fluid is necessary. When you are exercising, water will be consumed and must be replenished immediately for the body to achieve optimal levels.

Mistake 5: Practicing the wrong technique Bad exercises technique will not only slow down the effect of exercise but also lead to muscle injuries and can cause serious back problems.

Mistake 6: Not focusing on breathing techniques... The main essence of the exercise is to focus on breathing techniques, learn to adjust your breathing rhythm according to the content of the training.

Mistake 7: Lifting too fast Sometimes faster is not better. To avoid injury, you should use a steady speed to complete the right amount of movement.

Mistake 8: loitering Some people walk leisurely on the treadmill or lift weights so light that they don't sweat, plus take long breaks and hang out in the gym.

Mistake 9: Monotonous workout Follow the same workout every day will feel bored, but you can't give up training because the exercise is boring, find ways to make it interesting.

If you have made these mistakes, remember to fix them. A good training program can bring great results to your body. 

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