Can blue light blocking glasses protect your eyesight?

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Many people look at their cell phones for an hour or two every night before they go to bed.

In fact, the American Academy of Ophthalmology published an article in August 2017, pointing out that "the blue light from electronic products can harm the eyes" this claim is not based on science.

Today, whether you are looking at a cell phone or reading a book, we blink less often, which makes it easier for our eyes to dry out and cause fatigue.

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

The use of these light-emitting electronic products before bedtime can easily cause insomnia and other sleep problems, so using a cell phone before bedtime is still an unhealthy behavior!

Then the anti-blue light glasses or products really useful? According to experimental reports, blue light filtering devices can protect cells from the damage of blue light, if you are really worried, there is no harm to use.

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