Crowbits STEM toy for kids 


More possibilitie

for your kids

Get kids curious

Help kids code, build and create with this brilliant gift. Crowbits offer unlimited possibilities with these projects, especially teach kids how to think.

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From newbies to experts, Crowbits are the premier way to learn programming and engineering.


STEM toy for kids



The awesomeness of coding and electronics definitely lasts the fun of STEM education. It's more important than ever to give them coding toys that will enrich their minds as they play.

Bring More Possibilities

Don’t discount any of Crowbits STEM toys based on age. it really crosses ages and abilities, helping to foster curiosity and interest in STEM for all kids.

Crowbits can mix and match with LEGO blocks, combining them with the classical block toys.


STEM toy for kids

Snap and Play

Because of the magnetic snaps on Crowbits, you can connect them effortlessly. All you do is align the magnetic Pogo pin connector.

Web Stories Sticker Kits

580 Stickers Optimize for Web Stories

Strong Ability to Expand Crowbits supports multiple open-source platforms, including Arduino, Micro:bit, ESP32 to meet everyone's needs.


Play Maysie

Hyper Cube - Hyperspace Lighting

Pre-Rolled Cones - Herbal Goods